Making sense of childhood conditioning

Colleen Emily Moore
5 min readAug 9, 2020

4 steps to identifying & re-framing your own learned beliefs

Women sitting on stadium steps with a chestnut sweatshirt and black jeans deep in thought.
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Childhood conditioning is the process of beliefs, thinking patterns or behaviours being learned and reinforced over time. These beliefs are imprinted into your subconscious by the age of about 8 and will form the foundation of what all other information gets filtered through.

We learn these things through observing and interacting with our main care givers. Up until the age of about 8 or 9 children we like sponges as our brain is in the impressionable Theta state when we have the closest access to our subconscious brain (also the same state you are aiming to achieve in meditation and the brain state that happens just as you wake up and just as you fall asleep). At this age we are also egocentric, believing things happen to us and for us.

The beliefs, learned behaviours and thinking patterns you have will almost certainly be subconscious, that is to say you won’t necessarily be aware of them.

When can conditioning become problematic?

You will without realising it lean on this conditioning, it will be your filter. For example; If you grew up in a household where your parents tended to only give you attention and show you love when you achieved…



Colleen Emily Moore
Colleen Emily Moore

Written by Colleen Emily Moore


Behavioural Change Coach. Neuroscience BSc. Supporting women create clarity & confidence by letting go of ‘not good enough’

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